Monday, May 14, 2012

Thursday May 10th -- Lunch at Heston's Place

We went to lunch at a restaurant called Dinner.  The chef is Heston Blumenthal.  He's been, for years, the top chef in the world with a place called The Fat Duck in the town of Bray (3 star Michelin).  Dinner is his London restaurant and has one star.

Maxine has the program/menu.  I'll try to remember to scan it in when we get back to LA.  Good meal.  very filling.  Meant that we didn't eat for the rest of the day.

Before lunch we'd done separate things for a couple hours.  Maxine went to Jamie Oliver's store.  I went to the British Museum (I have to take it in small doses -- this was my 3rd 2 hour stretch).  There was a civil servant's strike going on so the upper floor was closed, but luckily that was the section I'd already seen.  So, no impact on my viewing.

Afterwards a shopping wander.  Saw a store that had Harris tweed blazers.  They're so thick they're close to bullet proof(!).  Saw a store specializing in umbrella's.  (Yes, there's a joke in here about British weather, but it was also interesting in that it was an old classic store).  Then walked down Oxford Street for some Olympics shopping.

After resting for the afternoon, we made our 2nd trip to Craft Beer Company.  I got a T-shirt.  Maxine got into a discussion (with free samples) with one of the bartenders.  Bought us Nucifera Porter and Kernel Brewing's Sccars IPA.  I got the next round of a repeat of 4 Elves from Dark Star, and Pleasant Plucker Cider.  Also a conversation with what I believe was the manager.  He was able to quote what he thought the hops were in one of the beers we were talking about.  I did goof up there though -- he'd offered me an unlabeled bottle of Kernel Brewing's Imperial stout and I turned it down because I was so tap beer focused.  Nice of him to offer to share the special stuff.  Dumb of me to turn him down...

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