Sunday, April 15, 2012

Heading to London

It's Sunday April 15th and we've been planning this trip, directly this trip, since December.  And in a sense, for a long time prior to that.  If you've been curious and recently checked my other trip blogs, you'll see (if you didn't already know) that our dog Cassie died last August from a brain tumor.  Prior to her illness, we'd been planning an extended trip to Paris.  We had the apartment, the calendar of events, tour books, and airline reservations -- even a reservation for a small dog who was going to be travelling at our feet.  But, we had to unwind that trip and spend the last months with our dog.

So, when I write that we've had this trip planned for a long time, I mean the idea of leaving LA for a stretch of time, to travel and experience a place in the more unhurried way that we are able to travel.

Last fall we concluded that rather than Paris, we would go to London.  Both cities are dog-friendly.  But France makes it easy to bring in dogs and England does not.  Since we don't have a dog.... 

We spent hours, easily 100 hours, researching apartments on websites.  And Maxine spent many more hours on the phone with the airlines looking for free tickets we could get by redeeming miles.  About 2 months ago all of that was done.  We've spent the time since doing research on what we wanted to do in London.  For both of us, the trip goals are twofold.  First, to be a tourist in London.  It's been 20 years since we've last had that opportunity and memories of places like the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey are vague.  Our second goal is to experience London like we live there, as much as two tourists can. 

To meet our goals we've spent many more hours online.  All the usual tourism sites.  And more fringe tourism sites (for instance, we didn't realize that the Mayor of London has a website with many intriguing events on it).  In looking for a "London resident experience", we've taken fringe even further.  I'm (Tom) responsible for finding the best pubs in London.  Best, meaning many things, means interesting beers, reasonably good food, and hopefully interesting surroundings.  I have a list of over 20 pubs to visit.  (A few years ago in Portland for a similar length of time, I tried nearly 100 beers...).  Maxine has agreed to be responsible for food and theater.

We, as a couple, are nothing if not planners.  We've got tickets, we have lists, we even have some reservations.  We know when we arrive and what we'll be doing the first three days (what we're doing today is hoping that those days will not be rainy ones, despite the forecasts).  We know where we want to shop for food, for scarves, and for fountain pens.  OK...  Maybe we are too prepared.

Over the next couple days we're taking care of loose ends.  Packing, to see how much will fit in our luggage.  Securing our house since it will be empty for nearly 6 weeks.  Putting some things on hold and prepaying others.  Wrapping up here so we can go there.

That's our story.  We're heading to London on Thursday. 

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